My name is Alex. It’s probably best to start with the fact that I am half man-half beast. Most of you would probably call me a werewolf. It is probably the easiest imagery for what I am. Sometimes I can be a man, sometimes I can be the beast, sometimes I can be both.

I guess this is kind of fitting because most of the rest of “us” would say I think more with my body/feelings than my head. But that is only because I wish to protect everything and everyone of “us” as fiercely as I can. The “others” inside “us”are my family and it is my job to be their protector. Sometimes I fear that I will not be enough, that I will not be fast enough, that I will not be strong enough, that  I will not be able to  protect what is mine. In fact I have a tendency to be overzealous with the protection detail that I have assigned myself. When I feel danger I tend to act first and sometimes this can lead to a situation where I must fight to protect myself and the others. Not just fight, I must win and win big. I guess you could say my biggest motivation is survival. I am the one that kept “A” alive though the torture that was her grandfather. I wasn’t strong enough then but I am strong enough now. Every day and every year I have devoted my live to growing stronger, so that what happen to “A” will never happen again.

I have a tendency to growl A LOT, A LOT when I am out. Sometimes I think that I embarrassed the others when I do this in public. But it is basically a warning system to keep away. I also have a tendency of scratching at the body’s skin when I am out.  I think this has something to do with when I feel the need to be over-protective or I feel the threat of danger. The first thing I need to do is peel away the human skin so I become the wolf man. It hurts, and may draw blood, but pain is necessary; it’s the only way to reach the strength inside.

I am always on hyper vigilant – alert waiting for something to happen, I am like a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. This is a quality that I share with Sonja. It is why we are such good comrades. Well she is female, I never look at her that way. Because she is just as strong and just a diligent as I am. Besides I think that she would prefer that I not notice that she is a woman. She has gone to great lengths to make that so and I have chosen to allow her that fantasy.

I am a manly, man. You know the kind – John Wayne, Bruce  Willis, Clint Eastwood, etc., but I’m also a one woman – man – I am Lola’s. And while it has taken her longer to accept it, she is mine. She would probably say that I am a bit of a caveman when it comes to her and that is true. What is mine I keep, I protect, I guard with my life. So I’m probably what would be called old fashion and behind the times for I believe that men and women each have a place – Men are the warriors/protectors and woman are the nurturers and protected and the feminist movement is a load of crap. Women are to be worshiped and adored; kept safe. It’s my job to protect what is mine. LOLA IS MINE!!

While I know I will not always be there to protect Lola, I have taken precautions to make sure she can protect herself. I have made her like me – a werewolf. She wasn’t very happy about this at first but I felt like I had no choice. I think she has finally embraced this side of herself, and she even seems to be flaunting it now.

My motto is : Be a MAN and protect what is yours. And grab life by the horns and make it you’re a bitch. 
 Motto 2: Have the biggest gun, if you can’t have the biggest gun, have the most guns.